So it's taken me a while to post this, but I went to see American Sniper a while back, and I honestly thought it was one of the best movies I've seen this year.
Without trying to give anything away, the movie tells the story of American sniper, Chris Kyle, portrayed by Bradley Cooper and tells us the story of how he went from your average American Texan to the deadliest sniper in American history.
The movie was directed by acting legend, Clint Eastwood, and he did not disappoint. Having read reviews about the book by Chris Kyle, it seems Eastwood has made sure he told every part of the story just the way Kyle did in his book. I did think it was becoming slightly "hollywood" at areas because it seemed like a plot was developing and took away the real life events effect the movie originally should have. I would say but, the movie definitely shows us how difficult it was for Kyle out there in Iraq and how brave, not only him, but everyone who risk's their lives for their country actually is.
The casting, in my opinion, was spot on! Bradley Cooper has started showing us recently he can be very versatile when it comes to the roles he plays and this movie shows exactly that. Not going to lie, I didn't know Sienna Miller was Kyle's wife in the movie until the credits. She was also a great addition to the movie as she portrays Taya Kyle, and she shows how difficult it can be being married to an American hero.
This movie is a touching tribute to Kyle, who tragically passed away in 2013, and scores a definite 9/10 from me. Word of warning, if you're a crier, tissues at the ready for that ending!
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